Our Training Process

Our Cleanie White Glove ℠ Training Process is amongst the best in the business

The backbone of our exceptional cleaning service lies in the meticulous training process for each member of our professional team. This rigorous training regimen follows our comprehensive Screening Process, and incorporates our coveted Cleanie White Glove ℠ method. Our gold-standard training distinguishes Cleanie from other commercial cleaning companies.

Induction training and supervisor ‘shadowing’

Our workforce receives mandatory induction training prior to any project or placement. This covers all service elements from best cleaning practices to customer care. Every Cleanie area manager uses this Induction Manual to ensure any new cleaning professionals are ready and prepared for duty.

Our Induction Manuals are designed to transform ordinary cleaning professionals into gold-standard talent

Our Induction Manuals are laid out in five modules; Safety, Conduct, Process, Cleanie White Glove ℠ and Completion. Detailed within our Manuals it clearly stipulates and explains the actions, methods and applications expected of all cleaning professionals representing Cleanie Ltd.

Cleanie White Glove ℠ training & development

Our induction training also covers our very own Cleanie White Glove ℠ service approach. Every cleaning operative must be fully versed in our expectations and apply our approach to the letter. In addition, we maintain fully documented training records to ensure refresher training and conduct reviews are carried out regularly. Our workforce receives specific training in all relevant legislation appropriate to their work function.

“Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation.”

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